A milestone is a step in the workflow that contains loan tasks that are performed by an assigned loan team member. When a loan team member opens a loan file, each milestone that is applied to the loan is listed in the Log. Each milestone must be finished to complete the loan process. Using the Milestones setting, you can update the properties for existing milestones and create new milestones as needed. You can also configure milestone templates that consist of a set of milestones grouped together by a common factor such as loan origination channel, loan type, and other company-specific conditions.
A milestone is a step in the workflow that contains loan tasks that are performed by an assigned loan team member. When a loan team member opens a loan file, each milestone that is applied to the loan is listed in the Log. Each milestone must be finished to complete the loan process. Using the Milestones setting, you can update the properties for existing milestones and create new milestones as needed.
Current Milestones
The Current Milestones list is a library of all the active milestones in Encompass which can be selected to be included in a milestone template. Use the icons on the upper right to create a new milestone, modify existing milestones, and move the milestones up and down within the Milestones list.
Archived Milestones
Milestones can be saved for future use. Instead of deleting milestones that are no longer being used, you can archive them so that the Current Milestones list is up-to-date and more manageable. Archived milestones can be moved back to the Current Milestones list as required.
To archive a milestone, select Current Milestones, select a milestone, and then click the Archive button.
If the milestones to be archived are part of an existing milestone template, a message displays indicating that the milestones will be removed from the affected templates. Click Continue.
You cannot archive the Started and Completion milestones.
- To enable an archived milestone, select Archived Milestones, select a milestone, and then click Move to Current.
Archived Milestones
Milestones can be saved for future use. Instead of deleting milestones that are no longer being used, you can archive them so that the Current Milestones list is up-to-date and more manageable. Archived milestones can be moved back to the Current Milestones list as required.
To archive a milestone, select Current Milestones, select a milestone, and then click the Archive button.
If the milestones to be archived are part of the Default Template, a message displays indicating that the milestones will be removed from the milestone template. Click Continue.
You cannot archive the Started and Completion milestones.
To enable an archived milestone, select Archived Milestones, select a milestone, and then click Move to Current.
Milestone Templates
The Default Template listed on the Milestone Templates tab consists of a set of milestones that determine the loan workflow. This template is automatically applied to all loans and each of the template's milestones must be completed in order for the loan to be processed and closed.
For new Encompass installations, the Default Template milestone template provided "out of the box" contains the following milestones: Started, Processing, Submittal, Approval, Docs Signing, Funding, Completion.
Milestone Templates
After configuring milestones, you can then configure new milestone templates. A milestone template is a set of milestones grouped together by a common factor such as channel, loan type, or other company-specific conditions. Different milestone templates can be created with each template addressing a specific business scenario. After a template is created, it can be activated. Once activated, a milestone template is available to be applied to a loan file. By default, Encompass automatically reviews the data in the loan file, reviews the activated milestone templates, and then applies the template that best suits the loan file any time key loan data is updated or when a new loan is originated. Users can also be authorized to manually apply a new milestone template to a loan file at any time.
Default Milestone Template Settings
For new Encompass installations, the Default Template milestone template provided "out of the box" contains the following milestones: Started, Qualification, Processing, Submittal, Cond Approval, Resubmittal, Approval, Doc Preparation, Docs Signing, Funding, Post Closing, Shipping, Completion.
If you are upgrading to Encompass from a previous version, all of the current milestones available in the previous version are grouped together in the same order to create the Default Template milestone template. The Days to Finish setting for each milestone is carried over into Encompass as well, along with all additional settings configured in the previous version (milestone color, milestone names to display in the Log, requirement to assign a loan team member to a milestone, etc.).
In both circumstances, the Default Template is set to apply to all loan origination channels and no conditions are applied to the milestone template. These channel and conditions settings cannot be modified, but you can add, remove, or reposition the template's milestones, manage trigger milestones, and add roles to the template as needed.
Work with Milestone Templates
Global Template Settings
Use the Global Template Settings to globally enable automatic mode or manual mode for milestone templates, set email notification preferences, and indicate the days to count when Encompass calculates milestones’ expected completion dates.
On the Milestone Templates tab, click View Global Template Settings.
The Global Template Settings window displays.
Select Template Selection Settings options to determine how the system or individual users may apply milestone templates to loan files. When a milestone template is applied to a loan, the milestones in the template replace the milestones that were previously being used in the loan file.
Automatic Mode - The system reviews the data in the loan file each time it is saved. If the data in the loan file satisfies all the conditions in a milestone template, that milestone template is automatically applied to loan file. This is the default setting.
Manual Mode - Authorized users can manually apply any available milestone template to a loan file at any time. (When this option is used, you must also use the Personas setting to grant individual users permission to manually add milestone templates.)
Allow matching and non-matching templates to be applied to loans - All active milestone template templates are eligible to be applied to a loan, including those templates with conditions that are not met by the loan file.
Both modes may be used at the same time. If neither mode is selected, the Default Milestone template will be used for all loan files.
In the Email Notification Preferences section, select the checkbox to send automatic email notifications to loan team members when they are no longer assigned to a milestone in a loan file.
When a new milestone template is applied to a loan file and replaces the milestones that were previously being used, there may be milestones that are no longer included in the loan. When this occurs, an automated email is sent to the loan team member who was assigned to the milestone. Since they are no longer assigned to a milestone in the loan file, they may lose access to the file.
In the Milestone Days section, specify your company’s business days. When calculating a milestone's expected completion date (i.e., "days to finish"), only the specified business days are counted.
Week Days - Monday through Friday
Calendar Days - US Postal calendar days indicated in the Compliance Calendar setting; excludes Sundays and legal holidays
Company Calendar - Uses the business days indicated on the Our Company Calendar in the Compliance Calendar setting
Global Template Settings
Use the Global Template Settings to indicate the days to count when Encompass calculates milestones’ expected completion dates.
On the Milestone Templates tab, click View Global Template Settings.
The Global Template Settings window displays.
In the Milestone Days section, specify your company’s business days. When calculating a milestone's expected completion date (i.e., "days to finish"), only the specified business days are counted.
Week Days - Monday through Friday
Calendar Days - US Postal calendar days indicated in the Compliance Calendar setting; excludes Sundays and legal holidays
Company Calendar - Uses the business days indicated on the Our Company Calendar in the Compliance Calendar setting.