This feature is not available in Encompass Broker Edition.
Roles carry out loan tasks in the workflow. A role (such as Loan Officer) can be associated with each milestone in the workflow. For example, when tasks are completed at the Processing milestone, the loan is handed off (assigned) to the loan team member who will fulfill the Underwriter role.
A role can consist of multiple personas and user groups. For example, the Loan Officer role can include a junior loan officer and senior loan officer persona. If you assign a user group to a role, all members of the group will have access to a loan when it is assigned to the role.
On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.
On the left panel, click Company/User Setup, and then click Roles.
On the Roles tool, click the New icon.
On the Create/Edit Role window, type the Role Name and a two-character Role Abbreviation.
The Role Abbreviation displays on the Pipeline and the header area of an open loan file.
In the All Users in These Personas section, click the New icon to assign personas to the role.
On the Select Personas window, select one or more personas, and then click Select. This selection determines which personas are qualified to take on the role.
In the User Groups section, click the New icon to add user groups to the role.
On the Select User Group window, select one or more user groups, and then click Select.
On the Create/Edit Role window, click Save.
Role Mapping
Select the roles in your company that carry out Loan Officer, Loan Processor, Loan Closer, and Underwriter tasks. These designations are used when importing loans and for controlling loan officer license settings in the user profiles of those users.
After selecting a role, click the Save icon to save your changes.
Click the Refresh icon to discard changes and restore the previous settings. (All changes made prior to clicking the Save icon will be disregarded.)