eDisclosure Packages
White Paper: Configure and Send eDisclosure Packages
Use the eDisclosure Packages tool to select the eDisclosure packages that will be sent to borrowers by your users and to enable or disable the eSigning option for the disclosures.
In Encompass, "initial disclosures" are called "eDisclosures" and "initial disclosure packages" are called "eDisclosure packages".
eDisclosure packages include forms that are selected based on the subject property state, loan channel, and other information selected in the loan file (for example, loan program, loan type, lien type, and subject property location), as well as your company's status as a lender or broker. A package can contain standard forms and custom forms from Encompass, as well as additional ICE Mortgage Technology disclosure forms that are dynamically selected based on the information entered in the loan file.
Your administrator can select one or more predefined eDisclosure packages to use for all loans, or set criteria that make different packages available when specified milestones or fields have been completed.
Administrators can select one or more predefined eDisclosure packages to use for all loans, or set criteria that make different packages available when specified milestones or fields have been completed.
Note: Add/remove permission is configured in the Persona settings on the Loans tab in the Closing Docs section.
The content of the predefined eDisclosure packages are designed to meet the requirements for the stages in the loan process listed below:
At Application
At Lock
Three additional options allow you to include the 2010 GFE, REGZ-TIL, or Loan Estimate in a package:
Include GFE
Include TIL
Include LE
To view the list of forms in the different eDisclosure packages, refer to the eDisclosure Matrix document, which is available in the Encompass Resource Center.
The eSigning option allows borrowers to access the documents online using a Loan Center a Consumer Connect website. After accepting the eDisclosure Agreement and consenting to receive electronic disclosures, the borrower reviews the documents online and then signs the documents electronically. Your users will receive an email notification that the signed documents are available.
If the eSigning option is enabled and the eDisclosure package contains custom forms that require a signature, be sure you have inserted eSigning signature points in the forms.
To Set Up eDisclosure Packages:
On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.
On the left panel, click Docs Setup, and then click eDisclosure Packages.
On the upper-right, select a default option to use if no channel is selected for a loan file.
Click a channel tab at the top of the ICE Mortgage Technology eDisclosure Packages section.
For the Entity Type, select Broker Disclosures, Lender Disclosures, or both.
If you select both entity types, the packages will include all forms used by brokers and all forms used by lenders. The packages include only one copy of forms that are used by both.
- For Banker-Wholesale loans, you can select the Make the Package Informational Only checkbox to make all disclosures informational. The packages will not provide signing options or fax cover sheets.
- On the Initial Packages section, select a control option from the list.
On the Re-disclosure Package section, select an option from the Control Option list.
User selects a package for each loan (no company control)
- For each channel type, repeat steps 5-8 of the To Set Up eDisclosure Packages.
- When finished, click the Save icon.
Company selects a package for all loans
To Set the Borrower Signing Options:
In the Borrower Signing section, clear or select the Provide eSigning option checkbox to disable or enable the option, and then clear or select the checkboxes to disable or enable the option for each loan type.
To configure the eSigning process so that the loan officer must eSign initial disclosure before they are sent to other parties, select the Configure signing order with initial disclosures checkbox, click the Select States button, select the state where you want the loan officer to eSign before initial disclosure are sent to other parties, and then click OK.
The eSigning order configuration feature was introduced with Encompass 18.4.
To Set the Consent Options:
Select a Consent Required option:
- Once per loan - With this option (known as loan-level consent), the borrower is required to consent only once per loan to receive any documents electronically. This loan-level consent status is applied and tracked on all current and future electronic document packages. When a borrower accept consent, all loan documents are accessible electronically. When a borrower declines consent, no loan documents are accessible electronically. During the loan process, borrowers can change their minds and accept or decline the agreement at any time. When the loan-level consent status changes, the following rules apply:
When a borrower changes the loan-level consent status from decline to accept, all document packages are accessible electronically, even packages that were sent previously when consent was declined.
- When a borrower changes the loan-level consent status from accept to decline:
Packages where consent was accepted prior to the status change accepted are still accessible electronically.
Packages sent after the consent status change are not accessible electronically.
Packages sent that were not accessed prior to the consent status change are no longer accessible electronically.
- For loan and each package - With this option (known as loan-and-package-level consent), an initial consent agreement is sent to the borrower before any electronic documents are sent. Separate consent agreements are also sent with each document package. Borrowers must accept the agreement for each document package in order to receive the documents electronically.
This option provides an easy way to reaffirm prior loan level consent with each package. The package level consent is not a replacement for the loan-level consent. It is important to get prior loan-level consent before sending any eDisclosure.
With loan-and-package-level consent, a record is maintained for each package, regardless of the accept/decline option selected for other packages.
Example: When a borrower accepts packages 1 and 2, declines package 3, and then accepts package 4, packages 1, 2, and 4 are still accessible electronically, but package 3 is not.
The loan-and-package-level consent method also maintains a loan-level consent status for the borrower that changes based on whether the borrower has accepted or declined the previous disclosure package.
Example: When a borrower accepts the initial loan-level consent request, receives an eDisclosure, and then declines a package-level consent request, the borrower’s loan-level consent status is set to Declined.
The loan-level consent for the borrower is used to ensure compliance with RESPA-TILA regulations that require a borrower's eConsent prior to sending electronic disclosures. A separate attribute, loan-level consent when eDisclosure was sent, tracks this prior loan-level consent. When a borrower’s loan-level consent status has been changed to declined, you must send a new loan-level eConsent request to the borrower before you send any additional packages. This ensures that your packages continue to be compliant with 2015 RESPA-TILA regulations.
- Once per loan - With this option (known as loan-level consent), the borrower is required to consent only once per loan to receive any documents electronically. This loan-level consent status is applied and tracked on all current and future electronic document packages. When a borrower accept consent, all loan documents are accessible electronically. When a borrower declines consent, no loan documents are accessible electronically. During the loan process, borrowers can change their minds and accept or decline the agreement at any time. When the loan-level consent status changes, the following rules apply:
Clear or select the option to use your company's branch office address in the eDisclosure Agreement that borrowers must accept before they can receive loan documents electronically.
The agreement uses the address in the Organization Details window (Encompass Settings > Company Details > Organization/Users) for the Organization hierarchy folder that contains the Encompass user who is sending the consent.
Clear or select the The eDisclosure Consent form will state... checkbox to include or exclude a statement on the eDisclosure Agreement stating the amount of any additional fees that will be charged if the borrower opts to receive printed copies of documents rather than electronic ones.
Enter the dollar amount that will be charged for printed copies in the text box.
When finished, click the Save icon.