Distribution: Adding a Distribution Program


  • How To Add A Distribution Program


  • LeadManager - Advanced Edition only


A Distribution Program is a configurable set of rules governing how leads are distributed to user and groups. Here’s how to create a distribution program.

Access the Menu page by clicking on your name in the upper right of the header.

Under Lead Management, click Lead Distribution.

The Distribution Programs page will load.

  1. Click the Add New Program button to create a new Distribution Program.

  1. Give your distribution program a Title.

Give it as descriptive a name as you can. When you have multiple distribution programs listed on the distribution program page, it is helpful if they all have names that help you differentiate between them.

  1. Choose a Distribution Method from the drop-down.

Note: Dial-iQ options are only available for clients who have purchased this feature.

  1. Default options available for all clients are Push or Pull.
  • Push Distribution vs. Pull Distribution are key LeadManager concepts.
  • Push: Distributes Leads in real time as they are imported into the LeadManager.
  • If you are have Velocify Dial-IQ, there will be a check box to enable Shotgun Connect. If this program is a Shotgun connect program, you can pick the method of user alerts from the dropdown that becomes active when you check the Enable Shotgun Connect check box. For more information on Shotgun Connect, see Dial-IQ: Creating a Shotgun Connect Distribution Program.
  • Pull: Distributes leads based on users making requests for new leads.
  • There are two types of Pull distribution programs:
    • Pull Blind and Pull Preview
    • Pull Blind: Users may "pull" leads based on the allotted number of leads set by the administrator within the distribution program. Users cannot see or “cherry-pick” leads before they are delivered. If you have Dial-IQ, the Pull (Blind) programs are the programs that will assign leads to users when they use Demand Connect by clicking the Get Lead button. For more information on Demand Connect, see Dial-IQ: Demand Connect - Get Lead Button.
    • Pull Preview: Users may pick and choose (cherry-pick) leads from a shared queue.

5. Leave the Enabled checkbox unchecked until the program is configured. Enabled programs will distribute leads once filters are saved.

  1. After you have configured the settings on this form, click the Save button.
  2. When you have clicked the Save button, new tabs will appear.

  1. Click the Schedule: When does it run? tab.
  • Use the form on this tab to schedule when this distribution program will run.
  • It is possible to schedule a distribution program to run multiple time ranges (shifts) in a day.
  1. Click in the start and end times fields to expand the Time Picker. Select values from the Time Picker for both the start and end time.

If you want this distribution program to run in shifts throughout the day, set start and ends times for multiple shifts.

For example, using shifts, a distribution program can run from 8:00 AM to 12:00PM, then again from 2:00PM to 5:00PM

  1. When you have set the schedule for the lead distribution program, click the Save button.
  2. LeadManager Advanced clients, click the Lead Filters: Which leads? tab.

Note: This tab is inactive for Small Business clients.

Use this tab to define which leads will be distributed by this distribution program.

The example pictured below shows a distribution program with four filters. The filters are listed in the column with the heading that reads Current Filters.

These filters enable the distribution program to find leads that are in the New status, unassigned, have an action count equaling zero, in the Zillow campaign. Leads that do not match this criteria will not distributed by this program.

When new leads enter the system, they will be distributed by this program if they meet all of the following filter criteria:

  • [Status] equal to New
  • [User] equal to (Unassigned)
  • [Action Count] equal to 0
  • [Campaign] equal to Zillow
  1. Click the Advanced Settings: Performance Filters tab.

Use the Performance Filters tab to dynamically increase or decrease lead maximums based on the following metrics:

  • Speed to Contact Attempt
  • Speed to Contact
  • Contact Rate
  • Qualification Rate
  • Conversion Rate
  1. Click the User Filters: Who receives leads? tab

Use this tab to configure which users will receive leads from this program. This is done by configuring two types of settings:

  • Max Leads Maximum number of leads distributed to a group or user within a defined timeframe
  • Filters Criteria that help you drill down to define the specific subset of leads you want to be distributed. Note that this is a second level of lead definition. You will be determining a subset of leads to be pulled from the group of leads already defined by the filters on the the Lead Filters: Which leads? tab

  1. Testing configuration with Simulate Distribution

This functionality allows Administrators the opportunity to confirm distribution filters have been configured to find the desired subset of leads within the LeadManager

The Simulate Distribution button appears on

  • Program Details tab
  • Lead Filters: Which Leads? tab
  • User Filters: Who receives leads? tab

Once all settings have been configured click the Simulate Distribution button.

The Simulate Distribution pop-up will load.

This pop-up shows you how leads will be distributed by this program and to which users.

Scroll down and make sure that the program is distributing leads as you expected it to.

Then click the Return to Programs button.

Distribution programs will not run until they are enabled.

Note that the value in the Enabled column is No.

Click the No to change the value to Yes, enabling the distribution program.

Note: As soon as a distribution program is enabled, all qualifying leads will be distributed.