Manage Users: How to Correctly Delete a User


  • How to Correctly Delete a User




Before deleting a user Administrators should follow these steps:

Step 1: Change the User’s Password:

On the Manage Users Page, click Options, then click Change Password.

Step 2: Reassign the user’s leads:

This can be done via the Lead tab, Normal view 100 leads at a time.

Note: Clients using our Enterprise / Advanced product can use a Custom Report and the Batch Processing Tool to transfer a larger number of leads at once.

  1. On the Normal View Leads Page, click the All Users filter.

  1. Click on the user’s name, then click the Select button.

  1. Back on the Leads View page, click the Apply button to update the filter.
  2. Open the Lead Control Menu, which is a little box with an arrow on it at the top of the Selection Column, and select Check All.

  1. Using the Lead Control Menu again, mouse over Assign Leads and re-assign the leads as necessary, either to another user, or unassigned, if you would like them to be eligible for automatic distribution.

NOTE: If a user deletion is attempted without re-assigning their leads, the following message will appear.

You can also create a Report on leads assigned to deleted Users: How to Report on Leads in a Deleted User's Name.