Velocify LoanEngage 24.1 May Critical Patch Release Notes

Velocify LoanEngage 24.1 May Critical Patch

These are the release notes for the Velocify LoanEngage 24.1 May Critical Patch. They document a high-level overview of the fixed issues included in this release.

What's in This Release

  • Dial-IQ:
    • Ability to record voicemail on phone restored

    • WAV format voicemail size limit doubled from 3 MB to 6 MB

  • Fixed Issues:

    • Running Confirmed Duplicate Report resulted in an exception error

    • SMS Conversation Not Found errors and Out Of Memory exceptions

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System Requirements for Velocify

Have you reviewed the latest System Requirements?

Before downloading or applying this new release, it is important to verify the latest system requirements for Velocify client machines. Review the System Requirements for Velocify to ensure your environment meets the requirements needed to operate Velocify products successfully.

Next Section: Feature Enhancements