Work with LO Compensation Plans

This help topic discusses the tools available in the LO Compensation setting to work with your LO compensation plans. You can also open a user's User Details screen and work with LO compensation plans that have been assigned to that specific user. To learn more about the tools available on the User Details screen, refer to the Work with a User's LO Compensation Plans  help topic.

ClosedDuplicate an LO Compensation Plan

  1. On the LO Compensation Plans list, select a compensation plan, and then click the Duplicate icon.

     The Plan Users section lists the loan originators to whom this plan is assigned. When duplicating a plan, the loan originators to whom the original plan is assigned are not duplicated. To assign the duplicated plan to a loan originator, follow the appropriate instructions provided on the Add a User (assign a plan to a loan officer), Add an Organization (assign a plan to an organization), or Company Details (assign a plan to third party lender or broker) help topics.

  2. In the LO Comp Plan Details window, enter or update the plan details as needed.

  3. When finished, click Save.

ClosedEdit Plan Details

It is important to note that for audit purposes, you cannot edit or change plan details once a plan is activated and assigned to an originator. Be sure to make any needed changes to a plan before assigning it to an originator. Once the plan is assigned to an originator, you can return later to activate or deactivate the plan.

  1. On the LO Compensation Plans list, select a compensation plan, and then click the Edit icon.

  1. In the LO Comp Plan Details window, clear the Active checkbox to deactivate a plan or select the Active checkbox to activate a plan.

     If this plan has already been assigned to an originator, this is the only change you can make to the plan.

  2. Enter or update the plan details as needed.

    The Plan Users section lists the loan originators to whom this plan is assigned. To assign the plan to new originators or to unassign the plan from an originator, follow the appropriate instructions provided on the Add a User (assign a plan to a loan officer), Add an Organization (assign a plan to an organization), or Company Details (assign a plan to third party lender or broker) help topics.

  3. When finished, click Save.

ClosedDelete an LO Compensation Plan

 You cannot delete an active plan that is currently assigned to the loan officer or organization.

  1. Open the user's User Details window, select the compensation plan from the list, and then click the Delete icon.

  2. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion.

  3. Click Save to save the changes on the User Details window or click OK to save the changes on the Organization Details window.

ClosedExport LO Compensation Plan Data to Excel

  1. Click the Excel icon to export compensation plan data to an Excel spreadsheet that you can save and refer to for audit purposes.

  2. Select an option from the LO Compensation Export window:

    • Export list of comp plans - Each compensation plan in the list (and the plans' data) will be exported to the spreadsheet. Each compensation plan will occupy a row in the spreadsheet.

    • Export comp plans for each originator - Only the data for compensation plans assigned to a loan originator  will be exported to the spreadsheet. The data is grouped together based on the originator the plan is assigned to.

  3. Click Export.

  4. Navigate to the location on your computer where you want to export the Excel spreadsheet, enter a file name, and then click Save.

    • All of the fields provided on the LO Comp Plan Details window for each plan in the list are exported to the spreadsheet (Plan Name, Description, Status, Loan Officer/Broker Value, Minimum Number of Days, Activation Date, Rounding Type, Loan Amount %, % of [Total Loan or Base Loan], Additional $ amount, Minimum $ and Maximum $ amounts) when exporting the list of compensation plans. When exporting plans for each originator, the originator's name is also exported to the spreadsheet along with this data.

See Also

LO Compensation Settings

Assigning an LO Compensation Plan to a Loan Officer

Assigning an LO Compensation Plan to a Lender or Broker

LO Compensation Tool