Fixed Issues
SMS Issues
Fixed SMS Issues
The following SMS-related issues have been fixed with this release:
- Lead-specific searches in SMS window: Field tag functionality updated to now resolve to their proper values in all cases as expected.
- SMS window displays an error message: SMS window has been enhanced and updated to eliminate this issue.
- {User} field tags: Field tag functionality updated to now resolve to their proper values in all cases as expected.
VEL-9624, VEL-10151, VEL-2700
Email Issues
Fixed Email Issues
The following Email related issues have been fixed with this release:
- Cancel Upon Status Change sent two emails: Email templates configured with Cancel Upon Status Change sent two emails if the lead moved back into the qualifying status. The first email was sent erroneously, when the lead status changed to qualify for “Cancel Upon Status Change”. The second email was sent when the “Cancel Upon Status Change” was not met, such as, when the lead moved to a status and stayed in that status and hence, the scheduled email did not need to be cancelled. This has been fixed so that the email is no longer sent erroneously.
- {User} field tag issues: Field tag functionality updated to resolve to their proper values in all cases as expected.
VEL-8779, VEL-2700
Reports Issue with Inbound Calls
Some inbound calls that were routed to the lead owner, were not displaying the user in Dial-IQ reports. This has been fixed.