LeadManager Videos
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LeadManager SMS Admin Video (11:07)
LeadManager SMS User Video (4:09)
User Training | Part 1: Introduction (1:24)
User Training | Part 2: My Settings (3:39)
User Training | Part 3: Adding and Working A Lead (9:39)
User Training | Part 4: View Leads Page Normal View/Outbound Dial-IQ (12:59)
User Training | Part 5: Lead Prioritization And Dial-IQ Outbound (2:09)
Velocify Basics: Part 1 - Admin Training Introduction (1:21)
Velocify Basics: Part 2 - Client Settings (5:22)
Velocify Basics: Part 3 - Managing Users (13:02)
Velocify Basics: Part 4 - Managing Lead Sources (4:23)
Velocify Basics: Part 5 - Lead Distribution (11:29)
Velocify Basics: Part 7 - Managing Emails (6:14)
Velocify Basics: Part 8 - Importing Leads (6:55)
Velocify Basics: Part 9 - Lead Source Integration (4:37)
Velocify Basics: Part 10 - Duplicate Management (6:32)
Velocify Basics: Part 11 - Creating Custom Reports (9:01)
Velocify Basics: Part 12 - Form Builder (8:53)
Webinar: LeadManager Insurance User Training Information (51:06)
Velocify offers a variety of training resources to accommodate all clients on the Velocify LeadManager system. Insurance industry users should watch the webinar below to learn: Login/Dashboard (Logging in and getting started) | My Settings (How to change your personal settings) | Lead Workflow (How to use Statues and Actions to disposition and track leads) | Understanding View Leads (Learn how the lead pipeline page works) | Working My Leads (How to disposition, track notes, reminders and follow-up) | Lead Prioritization (Using My Queue) / Editing Leads (How to edit leads in your pipeline)
Webinar: LeadManager User Training (39:45)
Velocify offers a variety of training resources to accommodate all clients on the Velocify LeadManager system: Standard Edition Accounts (For Administrators) (Contact your Velocify Account Manager to schedule a training session for Administrators.) | Standard Edition Accounts (For Users) (Users are strongly encouraged to watch our brief user training videos and this previously recorded webinar.)