Partner Integrations: Fannie Mae
- An Overview of Fannie Mae Partner Integration
The Fannie Mae file format is used for many integrations in the mortgage industry. This file format can be exported from Velocify and then imported quickly and easily into many Loan Origination Systems (LOS) such as Calyx Point, Encompass, or PCLender. The format is a universally accepted mortgage loan application format. It is also used for integrations with pricing engines.
How Do I Export a Lead to a Fannie Mae File?
To export a lead to a Fannie Mae 3.2 file, first access the Edit Lead page. Select the [Options] button at the top right of the page, and navigate to Options - Export Lead - Fannie Mae 3.2.
You can also export a lead to a Fannie Mae 3.2 file by right-clicking on the lead from the Priority or Normal View, then navigating to Export Lead - Fannie Mae 3.2.
What Fields are Included in a Fannie Mae File?
Below is the list of fields that are included in the Fannie Mae File:
ID | Field Name |
000-020 | FileType |
000-030 | FileVersionId |
000-040 | ExportVersionIndicator |
00A-020 | Theincomeorassetsofa |
00A-030 | TheincomeorassetsoftheApplicantsspousewillnotbeusedasabasisfor |
01A-020 | MortgageAppliedFor |
01A-030 | MortgageAppliedForOther |
01A-040 | AgencyCaseNumber |
01A-060 | LoanAmount |
01A-070 | InterestRate |
01A-080 | No.OfMonths |
01A-090 | AmortizationType |
01A-100 | AmortizationTypeOtherExplanation |
01A-110 | ArmTextualDescription |
02A-020 | PropertyStreetAddress |
02A-030 | PropertyCity |
02A-040 | PropertyState |
02A-050 | PropertyZipCode |
02A-070 | No.OfUnits |
02A-080 | LegalDescriptionOfSubjectProperty-Code |
02A-090 | LegalDescriptionOfSubjectProperty–Text |
02A-100 | YearBuilt |
02B-030 | PurposeOfLoan |
02B-040 | PurposeOfLoanOther |
02B-050 | PropertyWillBe |
02B-060 | MannerInWhichTitleWillBe |
02B-070 | EstateWillBeHeldIn |
02B-080 | EstateWillBeHeldInLeaseholdExpirationDate |
02C-020 | TitleholderName |
02D-040 | AmountExistingLiensConstructionOrRefinance |
02D-060 | BCostOfImprovements |
02D-070 | PurposeOfRefinance |
02D-080 | DescribeImprovements |
02E-20 | DownPaymentTypeCode |
02E-30 | DownPaymentAmount |
02E-40 | DownPaymentExplanation |
03A-020 | Applicant |
03A-021 | Co-Applicant |
03A-030 | ApplicantSocialSecurity |
03A-031 | Co-ApplicantSocialSecurity |
03A-040 | ApplicantFirstName |
03A-041 | Co-ApplicantFirstName |
03A-050 | ApplicantMiddleName |
03A-060 | ApplicantLastName |
03A-061 | Co-ApplicantLastName |
03A-080 | HomePhone |
03A-081 | Co-ApplicantHomePhone |
03A-090 | Age |
03A-091 | Co-ApplicantAge |
03A-110 | MaritalStatus |
03A-111 | Co-ApplicantMaritalStatus |
03A-120 | DependentsNo. |
03A-121 | Co-ApplicantDependantsNo. |
03A-130 | CompletedJointly-NotJointly |
03A-131 | Co-ApplicantCompletedJointly-NotJointly |
03A-140 | Cross-ReferenceNumber |
03A-141 | Co-ApplicantCross-ReferenceNumber |
03A-150 | DateOfBirth |
03A-151 | Co-ApplicantDateOfBirth |
03A-160 | EmailAddress |
03A-161 | Co-ApplicantEmailAddress |
03B-010 | RecordId |
03B-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
03B-030 | DependentsAge |
03C-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
03C-030 | Present-Former |
03C-040 | ResidenceStreetAddress |
03C-041 | Co-ApplicantResidenceStreetAddress |
03C-050 | ResidenceCity |
03C-051 | Co-ApplicantResidenceCity |
03C-060 | ResidenceState |
03C-061 | Co-ApplicantResidenceState |
03C-070 | ResidenceZipCode |
03C-071 | Co-ApplicantResidenceZipCode |
03C-090 | Own-Rent-LivingRentFree |
03C-100 | No.Yrs. |
03C-101 | Co-ApplicantNo.Yrs. |
03C-120 | Country |
04A-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
04A-030 | EmployerName |
04A-031 | Co-ApplicantEmployerName |
04A-040 | EmployerStreetAddress |
04A-041 | Co-ApplicantEmployerStreetAddress |
04A-050 | EmployerCity |
04A-051 | Co-ApplicantEmployerCity |
04A-060 | EmployerState |
04A-061 | Co-ApplicantEmployerState |
04A-070 | EmployerZipCode |
04A-071 | Co-ApplicantEmployerZipCode |
04A-090 | SelfEmployed |
04A-091 | Co-ApplicantSelfEmployed |
04A-100 | Yrs.OnThisJob |
04A-101 | Co-ApplicantYrs.OnThisJob |
04A-110 | MonthsOnThisJob |
04A-111 | Co-ApplicantMonthsOnThisJob |
04A-120 | Yrs.EmployedInThisLineOfWork-Profession |
04A-121 | Co-ApplicantYrs.EmployedInThisLineOfWork-Profession |
04A-130 | Position-Title-TypeOfBusiness |
04A-131 | Co-ApplicantPosition-Title-TypeOfBusiness |
04A-140 | BusinessPhone |
04A-141 | Co-ApplicantBusinessPhone |
04B-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
04B-030 | EmployerName |
04B-031 | Co-ApplicantEmployerName |
04B-040 | EmployerStreetAddress |
04B-041 | Co-ApplicantEmployerStreetAddress |
04B-050 | EmployerCity |
04B-051 | Co-ApplicantEmployerCity |
04B-060 | EmployerState |
04B-061 | Co-ApplicantEmployerState |
04B-070 | EmployerZipCode |
04B-071 | Co-ApplicantEmployerZipCode |
04B-090 | SelfEmployed |
04B-091 | Co-ApplicantSelfEmployed |
04B-100 | CurrentEmploymentFlag |
04B-110 | FromDate |
04B-111 | Co-ApplicantFromDate |
04B-120 | ToDate |
04B-121 | Co-ApplicantToDate |
04B-130 | MonthlyIncome |
04B-131 | Co-ApplicantMonthlyIncome |
04B-140 | Position-Title-TypeOfBusiness |
04B-141 | Co-ApplicantPosition-Title-TypeOfBusiness |
04B-150 | BusinessPhone |
04B-151 | Co-ApplicantBusinessPhone |
05H-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
05H-030 | Present-ProposedIndicator |
05H-040 | HousingPaymentTypeCode |
05H-050 | HousingPaymentAmountMonthlyHousingExp. |
05H-051 | Co-ApplicantHousingPaymentAmountMonthlyHousingExp. |
05I-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
05I-030 | TypeOfIncomeCode |
05I-040 | IncomeAmountMonthlyIncome |
05I-041 | Co-ApplicantIncomeAmountMonthlyIncome |
06A-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06A-040 | CashOrMarketValue |
06B-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06B-050 | LifeInsuranceFaceAmount |
06C-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06C-030 | Account-AssetType |
06C-110 | CashOrMarketValue |
06D-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06F-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06F-030 | ExpenseTypeCode |
06G-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
06H-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
07A-020 | A.PurchasePrice |
07A-030 | B.Alterations,Improvements,Repairs |
07A-040 | C.Land |
07A-050 | D.RefinanceInc.DebtsToBePaidOff |
07A-060 | E.EstimatedPrepaidItems |
07A-070 | F.EstimatedClosingCosts |
07A-080 | G.PmiMip,FundingFee |
07A-090 | H.DiscountIfApplicantWillPay |
07A-100 | J.SubordinateFinancing |
07A-110 | K.ApplicantsClosingCosts |
07A-120 | N.Pmi,Mip,FundingFee |
08A-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
08A-030 | A.AreThereAnyOutstandingJudgmentsAgainstYou? |
08A-031 | A.AreThereAnyOutstandingJudgmentsAgainstYou? |
08A-040 | B.HaveYouBeenDeclaredBankruptWithinThePast7Years? |
08A-041 | B.HaveYouBeenDeclaredBankruptWithinThePast7Years? |
08A-050 | C.HaveYouHadPropertyForeclosedUponOrGivenTitleOrDeedInLieuThereofInThe |
08A-051 | C.HaveYouHadPropertyForeclosedUponOrGivenTitleOrDeedInLieuThereofInThe |
08A-060 | D.AreYouAPartyToALawsuit? |
08A-061 | D.AreYouAPartyToALawsuit? |
08A-070 | E.HaveYouDirectlyOrIndirectlyBeenObligatedOnAnyLoan... |
08A-071 | E.HaveYouDirectlyOrIndirectlyBeenObligatedOnAnyLoan... |
08A-080 | F.AreYouPresentlyDelinquentOrInDefaultOnAnyFederalDebt... |
08A-081 | F.AreYouPresentlyDelinquentOrInDefaultOnAnyFederalDebt... |
08A-090 | G.AreYouObligatedToPayAlimonyChildSupportOrSeparateMaintenance? |
08A-091 | G.AreYouObligatedToPayAlimonyChildSupportOrSeparateMaintenance? |
08A-100 | H.IsAnyPartOfTheDownPaymentBorrowed? |
08A-101 | H.IsAnyPartOfTheDownPaymentBorrowed? |
08A-110 | I.AreYouACo-MakerOrEndorserOnANote? |
08A-111 | I.AreYouACo-MakerOrEndorserOnANote? |
08A-120 | J.AreYouAU.S.Citizen?K.AreYouAPermanentResidentAlien? |
08A-121 | J.AreYouAU.S.Citizen?K.AreYouAPermanentResidentAlien? |
08A-130 | L.DoYouIntendToOccupy... |
08A-131 | L.DoYouIntendToOccupy... |
08A-140 | M.HaveYouHadAnOwnershipInterest... |
08A-141 | M.HaveYouHadAnOwnershipInterest... |
08A-150 | M.1WhatTypeOf |
08A-151 | M.1WhatTypeOf |
08A-160 | M.HowDidYouHoldTitle... |
08A-161 | M.HowDidYouHoldTitle... |
08B-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
10A-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
10A-030 | IDoNotWishToFurnishThis |
10A-031 | Co-ApplicantIDoNotWishToFurnishThis |
10A-040 | Ethnicity |
10A-041 | Co-ApplicantEthnicity |
10A-060 | Sex |
10A-061 | Co-ApplicantSex |
10B-020 | ThisApplicationWasTakenBy |
10B-030 | InterviewersName |
10B-040 | InterviewDate |
10B-050 | InterviewersPhoneNumber |
10B-070 | InstitutionStreetAddress |
10B-090 | InstitutionCityAddress |
10B-100 | InstitutionStateCode |
10B-110 | InstitutionZipCode |
10R-020 | ApplicantSocialSecurityNumber |
10R-030 | Race |
10R-031 | Race |