Manage Posts: Detailed Review


  • What Is the XML Poster
  • How To Enable the XML Poster
  • What Completed Prior to Creating a Post
  • How To Create a Post
  • Set Up Drip Settings and Filters
  • Set Up Status or Action Trigger
  • What is the Response Conditions Feature
  • How The Posts Are Logged
  • What Posting Methods Are Supported
  • What Else is Displayed on the Manage Posts Page




What Is the XML Poster

The XML Poster on the Manage Posts page is a feature allowing Velocify™ clients to directly create and manage the posting of lead data from the LeadManager to an external system, such as a third party dialer, loan origination software, or marketing software.

Using this feature requires some technical expertise; a basic familiarity with the concepts of XML, Web Service, or HTTP POST methods is helpful.

Once a post is created, it can be associated with status and action changes and can also contain filters or drip settings. This can allow clients to set up a post that will deliver lead data when a lead is X days old, has a certain value in a field, or is in a particular status.

What Should Be Completed Prior To Creating a Post

Before setting up a post using the XML Poster, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you have access to the Manage Posts page, found at Menu – Administration – Manage Posts
  2. Contact your third party application to request the following information
    • The posting method that they accept (posting methods supported by Velocify are Web Service, XML, URL-encoded HTTP POST, and URL-encoded HTTP GET)
    • A sample of the XML or posting string, including a header if required
    • The destination URL to which you will be posting data

How To Create a Post

Similar to setting up a new email on the Manage Emails page, creating a new post is a three-step process.

  1. Build the post template
  2. Set up the drip settings and filters
  3. Set up the status or action trigger

What is the Response Conditions Feature

This feature is used when a client wants to trigger another post or email based on the response returned by a receiving application. For example, you can set up a response condition to send an email to yourself if a post return the word “Failure” in the response, notifying you that the post has failed.

  1. Regex Pattern– Enter the specific text response from the receiving application that will trigger an additional post. If the specific text response is a part of a larger response code (i.e. if you want to look for the word “Success” within the response), surround the text with the values .* (for example, “.*Success.*”).
  2. Template To Trigger– Select the template which should be triggered based on the response specified above
  3. Priority– If multiple conditions are specified, select the priority for order of additional postings

How Posts Are Logged

  • Posts are logged in the lead history section of any lead that has the post triggered. To view the logs of a post, first access the Edit Lead page. In the History section, select either Log Only or Actions & Logs.
  • If a post is set to trigger immediately when the status or action is taken, the post will have two logs. The first log has a log type of “Exported,” indicating that lead information has been exported to another application. The log note will give more details of the export, including links to view the full Request and Response of the post. The second log has a log type of “Post Sent,” indicating that a post was triggered, and the log note contains the title of the post.

  • If a post is set to trigger after a specified time after the status or action is taken, a “Post Queued” log will first appear to indicate that the post will go out at the specified time. Once that time has been reached, the “Exported” and “Post Sent” logs will then appear to indicate the post has been sent.

Supported Posting Methods

The Data Poster supports four common posting methods, including XML Post, URL-Encoded Post (HTTP POST) ,URL-Encoded GET (HTTP GET) and Web Service.

Additional Information on the Manage Posts Page

From the Manage Posts Main Page, users may see a list of all existing posting templates and create new ones.

  1. Add New Post-- Click to add a new post
  2. Title-- The title specified for the post
  3. URL-- The URL to which the data is posted
  4. Options
    1. Edit-- This link takes the user to the Posting Details page
    2. Settings-- This link takes the user to the Drip Settings for the specified post
    3. Delete-- This link deletes the post template
  5. View Queued Posts-- Displays a list of all upcoming posts based on filter criteria