How To: Work and 'Disposition' Leads
- How to work and disposition leads
In the Velocify system, we don't typically use the term disposition for leads. Instead, we describe the process of updating and managing leads as workflow'. Workflow consists of two primary elements: Statuses and Actions. As leads move through the sales process, workflow elements can automatically trigger emails, reminders and lead assignment.
Statuses are a one or two word description of exactly where a lead is along the sales/enrollment/process cycle. It is often thought of as the Disposition or State of the lead.
When viewing the normal list view of leads, users can clearly see the current Status of every lead.
The Status is always displayed at the top of each lead in the detailed view of the lead.
NOTE: Users do not directly change Statuses. Instead, users of Velocify update a lead by taking Actions.
An action represents the specific activity or disposition a taken by a rep/user. They typically describe something a user/rep would do in the real world. They are the way a user updates leads. Working leads is done by taking Actions. Actions create a complete history of everything that has been done with a lead, when it was done and who did it.
Actions appear in a drop-down menu in the lead.
Users will select the correct Action from those available in the menu, and then click ‘Add Action’.
The Actions are also available to select from the Dial-iQ Hud at the bottom of the UI.
Dial-iQ is an add on feature. To add Dial-iQ to your account, contact your Account Manager.
Workflow describes how Statues and Actions operate together so that a user can move a lead through the specified steps in an sales or enrollment cycle. An action is something a user/rep does to update a lead, and a status is a description of where the lead is in the sales .
Taking Actions updates the lead and moves it into the correct Status.
When the rep/user adds the Action, Velocify moves the lead into the correct Status, and the lead’s history (Actions and Logs) record the Action taken along with notes, the user, and a time-stamp.
An Action may not necessarily always trigger a Status change. For example (using the above workflow as a reference), a lead is in the ‘Contacted’ status; an rep may call this lead to obtain additional information or check-in. The rep may update the lead by taking the Action “Called: Left Message” to record activity with this lead. However, the lead is still in the ‘Contacted’ status. Nothing about where this lead is along our sales cycle has changed.