Search the documentation

IMPORTANT: The documentation search only searches for content that is included in this HTML‑5 documentation. Although this documentation links to other sources, including PDF files and videos, the search results do not included results contained in those documents. The search results do not include articles and other content from the Simplifile Resource Center.

QUICK TIP: Use the Search field just below the title in this topic and the Help & Support topic and in the upper‑right corner of most other documentation pages to search for topics that contain words or phrases in the component's documentation.

  • Simple text search: If you don't use quotation marks before and after the search word or phrase, the search performs "simple text" search where the search results contain a ranked list of the topics that contain all of the words in the Search field, but not necessarily in the exact order or together.
  • Exact phrase search: If you use quotation marks before and after the search word or phrase (like "search features", the search performs an "exact match "search where the search results contain a ranked list of the topics that only contain an exact match of words or phrase is in the Search field (excluding the quotation marks).

QUICK TIP: Use the browser's Find feature (CTRL F) to find text strings in a specific topic.

NOTE: In the Google Chrome browser, the right elevator bar displays a yellow indicator where the entered term is located.