Fannie Mae UCD Transfer

Use the Fannie Mae UCD Transfer setting to add the lenders (sellers) to whom your users will submit their loans.

Pre-requisites: You need an established relationship with another lender on the Fannie Mae portal, and configure the Fannie Mae UCD Collection Solution account in Encompass Settings (Services Password Management tool).
You must have the UCD_ADMIN role to set up this relationship on the Fannie Mae portal. To confirm if you are an UCD_ADMIN, verify if you can view the Relationship tab in the Fannie Mae website when you log in. Once a relationship is established between two organizations in the UCD solution, either party can transfer a submitted UCD file to the other party. The correspondent can designate a Casefile ID and a specific aggregator to transfer UCD data.

To Configure Fannie Mae UCD Transfer Setting:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.
  2. On the left panel, click Additional Services, and then click Fannie Mae UCD Transfer.
  3. In the Lender List panel, click the New icon to open the Add Lender window.
  4. Type the lender name and lender identifier and then click OK.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional lenders.
  6. In the Fannie Mae UCD Transfer panel, click the Save icon.

To complete the Fannie Mae UCD Transfer service configuration, go to the Personas setting> select the persona for which you want to enable access> Pipeline tab> Pipeline Tasks panel > GSE Services and select the Fannie Mae UCD Transfer checkbox. Click the Save icon.