Document Details

Use the Document Details window to create or edit information for an eFolder document, to track the status of the document, and to attach, view, print, and save files that are associated with the document. To view and edit multiple documents from a single location, refer to the Document Manager topic.

ClosedOpen a Document Details window

  1. On the eFolder, click the Documents tab.

  2. To edit a document, select a document, and then click the Edit icon.

    • Or, select the Document Group to which you want to add a new document, click the New icon, select Add a new document, and then click OK.

Enter or Edit Information

The Document Details window includes the three sections described below. The Details section contains basic information about the document. Use the Tracking section to track the status of the document. Use the Files section to manage files that are assigned to the document.


Use the Details section of the Document Details window to enter or edit basic information about a document.

  1. Type or select a name in the Name field.

  2. In the For Borrower field, select a borrower.

  3. In the For Milestone field, select a milestone with which to associate the document.

    Note: If the milestone you select here is later removed from the milestone template that is currently applied to the loan file, the next current milestone (i.e., the next milestone that needs to be finished in order for the loan file to move forward) is automatically assigned to this field.

  4. If the document is a supporting document for one or more conditions, the Conditions field displays the conditions with which the document is associated.

  5. To make the document a supporting document for a condition, Closedassign the document to a condition.

  1. Click the Condition button.

  2. Select a condition type from the Conditions list.

  3. To assign the document to an existing condition, select the checkbox for one or more conditions, and then click Close.

  4. To assign the document to a new condition, click the New icon, select the type of condition, and then click OK.

ClosedAdd a new condition

  • A new Condition Details window opens with the document attached.

ClosedAdd conditions from Condition Sets

  1. Select one or more conditions from the left pane.

  2. Click Add to add the conditions and move them to the right pane.

  3. When finished, click the Add button at the bottom of the window.

ClosedAdd conditions from Preliminary Conditions

  • Select one or more conditions, and then click Add.

ClosedAdd automated conditions to loans

  1. Select Add Automated Conditions, and then click OK.

  2. In the Import Automated Conditions window, select the checkbox for each condition you want to add, and then click Add Selected.

Note: Automated conditions are configured by the administrator using the Automated Conditions business rule in Encompass Settings. All the conditions are selected by default. Clear the checkbox if you do not want to add a condition. Automated conditions are available only if your administrator has created the conditions and given your persona permission to access the conditions.

  1. Click the ARTR/QM button to Closedtie the document to ATR/QM data.

  1. On the ATR/QM window, select the checkboxes for the verification types you will record. A new tab is added to the window for each type selected.

    Note: A user can select and clear the checkboxes only if the administrator has given the user permission in the Personas setting on the Forms/Tools tab in the Tools section (Verification and Documentation Tracking).

  2. To add a verification record, click a tab, and then click the Add icon in the appropriate section of the tab.

  3. On the verification window, select the options that apply for the borrower and co-borrower, and then click Add.

    • Some selections have editable text boxes that enable users to enter additional information.

    Note: Review the entries carefully before you click Add. After entries have been added, they cannot be deleted from the ATR/QM window. To remove an entry, you must cancel out of the ATR/QM window before saving the selections. This will clear all your entries. You can then open the window again to re-enter the data.

  4. On the verification tab, entries are marked as B, C, or J for Borrower, Co-borrower, or Joint. Click a cell in the How was it verified? column to enter the verification method for the entry.

  5. Complete the entries on all the relevant tabs, and then click Save.

    Note: After you click Save, only a user with the Administrator persona can delete the document, and the selections cannot be changed with the exception of the How was it verified? text, which can be changed by a user who has been granted editing rights in the Personas setting on the Forms/Tools tab in the Tools section (Verification and Documentation Tracking).

  6. After the entries have been saved, the verification types selected in the ATR/QM window will display in the ATRM/QM text field in the Details section on the Document Details window and in the Details section on the Document Details tab in the Document Manager.

  7. The entries are also recorded in the Documentation and Verification Tracking tool, which is accessible from the Tools tab on the lower-left of the loan file. Each section on the tool lists the ATR/QM entries for a particular category. The documents associated with the entries for each category are listed in the Documents section.

  8. A red flag displays above a category section when one or more of the verifications has not been completed. The following fields must be populated before a verification is marked as complete:

    • The How was the verification completed? field on the ATR/QM window.

    • The Received and Reviewed checkboxes must be selected on the Document Details window. 

  9. To clear the flag: 

    • Double-click a verification entry to open the ATR/QM field to enter information in the How was it verified? field.

    • Double-click a document to open the Document Details window to select the checkboxes.

  10. When the required fields are complete, the red flag is replaced with a green check mark.

  1. If your administrator has added the documents to one or more Document Groups, the Documents Groups are listed in the Docs Groups field.

    Note: The Docs Group field does not indicate when a document belong to the (All Documents), (eDisclosures), or (Settlement Services) group.

  2. In the Available section, select a checkbox to configure whether documents are visible externally:

    • WebCenter - The document or service will be visible to borrowers or partners via the Encompass Consumer Connect or Loan Center website. This option is used when documents are sent by clicking the Send button in the eFolder, and then clicking Send Files.

    • TPO - When a loan has been originated in an Encompass TPO Connect website, the document or service will be visible to the loan originator via Encompass TPO Connect. The document will become visible after the loan file is saved in Encompass.

    • EDM Lenders (Send Files to Lender) - The document or service will be visible when files are sent to lenders. This option is used when documents are sent by clicking the Send button in the eFolder, and then clicking Send to Lender.

  3. When working with a Closing Disclosure document, a Mark as Final CD, Mark as Final CD (Alternate), or Mark as Final CD (Seller) button displays at the bottom of the Details panel. To mark the document as final, click the button, select a Signature Type on the pop-up window (eSignable, Wet Sign only, or Other) and then click OK.

    • A Marked as Final column is available on the Documents tab on the eFolder. Yes is populated in the column for final Closing Disclosures. Users can click the column header to sort for final documents.

  4. After you mark the document as final, the button is relabeled Unmark as Final CD, Unmark as Final CD (Alternate), or Unmark as Final CD (Seller). Click this button to remove the final designation for the document.

    • Only one Closing Disclosure can be selected as final in each category (standard, alternate, or seller). Selecting another document as final removes the final designation from all other Closing Disclosure documents in that category.


Use the Tracking section to track the status of a document.

  1. Click the Status tab.

  2. Optionally type the expected Days to Receive and Days to Expire. The due date and expiration date are calculated when the document is ordered and received.

    • Within one day of the expected date, or if the expected date passes, an alert is generated. If the document is past due, the entry in the Log changes to red text and indicates that the receipt is past due.

  3. In the Requested From field, optionally type the entity (typically a company) from whom you are requesting the document. 

  4. Select a checkbox and select a date to indicate the completion of tasks (Requested, Re-requested, Received, or Reviewed) or to indicate that the document is ready for the underwriter or the shipper (Ready for UW or Ready to Ship).

    • The date, time, and user ID of the individual who completed the task is recorded next to the entry.

    • Completed tasks are also recorded in the Log.

  5. Click the Comments tab, click the New icon, and then type comments and notes in the Comment window as required.

  6. To send an update alert to a specified user the next time the user accesses Encompass, select the Send Update Alert checkbox, and then select the user from the list.

  7. When finished, click OK.


Use the Files section to attach and assign, view, print, save, reposition, modify, and delete supporting files for the document. Select the Current Version checkbox to indicate the files that are actively associated with the eFolder document. Only the current files are used when you send, submit, or print a document.

Note: Only the current files are included in the file size value that displays on the in the Size column on the Documents list on the eFolder Documents tab.

Image Files vs. Native-Format Files

Depending on how your administrator has configured the eFolder settings, files are imported into the eFolder as image files or native-format files (for example, .pdf or .doc files). In some cases, the eFolder for a loan may contain both image files and native-format files. Separate step-by-step procedures are provided below for each process when different procedures are used for working with image files and native-format files. To determine whether files are imported into the eFolder as image files or native-format files, look at the icon to the left of the file name in the Files section. An image file will have an image icon and a native-format file will have a paper clip icon. Each of these file types will have a difference user interface for working with files in the document viewer at the bottom of the window. For information about the working in the different versions of the document viewer, refer to the eFolder Document Viewer help topic.

Starting with the Encompass 20.1 release, a new version of the document viewer is being delivered to Encompass users in a phased roll-out. If your company is part of this roll-out program, the new document viewer will display in the Encompass eFolder. File attachments that use the new viewer display a document image with a green globe . For detailed information about using the new viewer, refer to the Using the New Encompass Document Viewer guide .

ClosedAttach and assign files

  • To browse and attach, click the Browse and Attach icon, browse to select a file, and click Open.

  • To scan and attach, click the Scan and Attach icon, select a scanner from the list, and click Scan.

    Note: To use the Scan and Attach feature, you must have a Twain-compliant scanner that is  installed locally or on your network.

  • To add any standard Encompass form without having first ordered a service or requested a document from a borrower, click the Attach Encompass Forms icon, select one or more forms, and then click Add.

  • To attach an unassigned file, click the Attach Unassigned Files icon, select a file from the list, and click Assign.

    Note: The document is converted into PDF format and added to the Files section.

  • You can also drag and drop a file from a folder or from your desktop into the Files section of the Document Details window.

ClosedView Files

ClosedMerge files

ClosedImage files

  1. Select two or more files in the Files section, and click the Merge icon.

  2. Rename the file as needed.

ClosedNative-format files

  • To automatically combine multiple native-format files into one file, select two or more files in the Files section (press the Ctrl key while clicking each document), and then click the Merge button.

ClosedDelete files

  • Select a file in the Files section and then click the Delete icon. The file is returned to the list of unassigned files and can be assigned to another document.