View Messages From Your Loan Originator

The Loan Detail page provides important information about your loan and any tasks, status updates, or requests that have been sent by your loan originator.

Types of Messages:

There are different types of messages that may be sent to you by your loan originator. Each message that you have received is listed in the My Tasks or Loan Status sections.

ClosedDocuments to eSign

Documents to Sign message contains one ore more loan documents that you need to sign, and then return, to your loan originator (for example, the Loan Estimate or the Uniform Residential Loan Application). This message type is listed in the My Tasks section.

ClosedDocuments to Print, Sign, and Return

Documents to Print, Sign, and Return message contains one or more loan documents that you need to sign and return to your loan originator (for example, the Loan Estimate or the Uniform Residential Loan Application). This message type is listed in the My Tasks section.

ClosedDocuments Needed for Your Loan

A Documents Needed for Your Loan message contains a list of documents that you need to provide to your loan originator, such as pay stubs or tax records, but don't require a signature. This message type is listed in the My Tasks section.

ClosedDocuments to Review

Your loan originator may send you documents for your review, but they do not need to be signed, nor returned. These documents are for your information only. This message type is listed in the My Tasks section.

ClosedStatus Update

A Status Update is a short message that updates you on the progress of your loan. Examples of a Status Online message include Loan Application is approved, Credit Ordered, and Loan is Funded. There are no additional details or documents associated with a Status Update. This message type is listed in the Loan Status section.

To View a Message: