Services Management Page

The Services Management page displays all existing service setups for Manual and Easy Order as cards, organized by partner. From this page, administrators can sort the list of vendors in ascending or descending order alphabetically. The list of partners can also be filtered by category. Each partner card provides access to existing service setups, credential configurations, field mapping, and document mapping.

Administrators can also access the following additional features from this page:

Quick Navigation Option

A dropdown navigation menu is available on several Services Management pages. This option enables users to easily navigate between pages for each partner product. Users can move between the different configuration pieces for a partner configuration without needing to return to the main services management page. To change to another page, you can now select to Arrow next to the page title and then select the location you want to navigate to.

Automation Rules

The Automation Rules page displays all existing automation rules and is sorted by category. Once a category is expanded, the list of existing automation rules is further sorted by automation engine (either Workflow Engine or ASO Bot). From this page, administrators can sort the list of rules by the following column types:

  • Rule Name

  • Conditions

  • Evaluation

  • Modified By

  • Modified Date

  • Active

Administrators can also add new Automation Rules from this page. See the Automated Order directions in the Configuring Service Order Setups section for information on how to configure Automation Rules

Configuring Service Order Setups

The Services Management feature provides three types of configurations for service orders:

  • Manual - Administrators define a list of approved partners that users can place orders with.

  • Easy Order -  Administrators define conditions which indicate when a loan is ready for easy ordering. Administrators can also configure the conditions and require that specific fields contain data before the loan is ready for easy ordering.

  • Automated Rules - Administrators define conditions which trigger an automated service ordering attempt for loans that meet the criteria. Administrators can also configure the conditions and require that specific fields contain data before the loan is ready for automated ordering. There are also additional rules which enables an administrator to define logic to trigger service orders. These service rules are contained inside the automation rule and can be set to execute all orders that meet the criteria, or to execute one order based on the rank of the rule.

Manual Service Order

To Add a New Manual Service Setup:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.
  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services.
  3. Select Services Management.
  4. Select Add Service.
  5. Navigate to the card for the partner you want to start a service setup for, and then select the Manual link.

  6. On the Add Manual Setup window, enter a unique name for this setup in the Service Setup Name field.

  7. Enter a description in the Service Setup Description field.
  8. In the Readiness Conditions section, define the conditions that, when met, will result in the authorized users seeing this service in their order options. You can also use the query builder to assist in building readiness conditions. See the Using the Query Builder section below.
    • The conditions syntax utilizes the Visual Basic .NET programming language. For information on how this syntax works, see the Conditions section in the Advanced Coding for Business Rules guide.
    • To ensure that the syntax does not result in an error, select Validate to verify your readiness conditions.

      Note: A message displays on a successful or failed validation. If the validation fails, the error message indicates where the error occurred.

  9. In the Authorized Users section, select Add.
  10. On the Add Entities window, navigate through the Category options to select the Users who will use this setup. To move to a category, select the Down Arrow icon. To move an individual user to the Selected Users column, select the Move Arrow icon. To search for a specific user, select the Search icon.

    Note: Administrators can select up to 200 users at a time on the Add Entities window before adding them to the Authorized Users list. Once added, the administrator can return to the Add Entities window if they need to add more users.

  11. Once your users or organizations are listed in the Selected Users column, select Add.

  12. Once you have selected the users who will use this service setup, select Save.

  13. To activate the new services setup, select the Active toggle.

    Note: Only one manual service setup can be activated for each service provider. If you try to activate a second manual service setup for the same provider, an error message displays. All users for that service provider must be included in one manual service setup

The Encompass Product and Pricing Service (EPPS) is configured in Encompass (desktop version) under Encompass > Settings > Secondary Setup > Product and Pricing.

You must have Optimal Blue - Enhanced selected as the product and pricing provider on the Encompass > Settings >Secondary Setup > Product and Pricing screen in Encompass when creating a service setup for Optimal Blue scenarios.

Once a manual order setup has been configured, administrators can configure credentials that should be used for the orders placed through some providers. See the Credentials section below for instructions on how to configure credentials for a manual order.

Easy Order

Easy Order options are available for several service categories. Administrators can define conditions which indicate when a loan is ready for an easy order. Administrators can configure the conditions using syntax built on top of the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET programming language in the same way that business rules are defined. Administrators can also require that specific fields contain data before the loan is ready for easy ordering.

In addition to this, the web version of Encompass also verifies that the minimum data that the service provider requires for a successful order is present before placing an easy order.

To Add a New Easy Order Service Setup:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.
  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services.
  3. Select Services Management.
  4. Select Add Service.
  5. Navigate to the card for the vendor you want to start a service setup for, and then select the Easy Order link.

  6. On the Add Easy Order Setup window, enter a unique name for this setup in the Service Setup Name field.

  7. Enter a description in the Service Setup Description field.
  8. In the Readiness Conditions section, define the conditions that, when met, enables users to see the Easy Order option for this service. You can also use the query builder to assist in building readiness conditions. See the Using the Query Builder section below.
    • The conditions syntax utilizes the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET programming language. For information on how this syntax works, see the Conditions section in the Advanced Coding for Business Rules guide.
    • To ensure that the syntax does not result in an error, select Validate to verify your automated readiness conditions.

      Note: A message displays on a successful or failed validation. If the validation fails, the error message indicates where the error occurred.

  9. In the Additional Required Fields section, select +Add and then enter any Encompass field IDs that are required before ordering.

  10. To add additional fields, select +Add Another.

  11. You can define documents to be sent in the Partner Documents section. To add a Document, select +. This feature is available for appraisal, MI, and Title orders only.

  12. Select the checkbox in front of the required documents to send, and then select Apply.

  13. To indicate that the attachment is required, select the toggle in the Attachment Required column.

  14. In the Easy Order Options section, select Add

    • On the partner specific order template page, enter the vendor required information, and then select Save.

  15. In the Authorized Users section, select Add.
  16. On the Add Entities window, navigate through the Category options to select the Users who will use this setup. To move to a category, select the Down Arrow icon. To move an individual user to the Selected Users column, select the Move Arrow icon. To search for a specific user, select the Search icon.

    Note: Administrators can select up to 200 users at a time on the Add Entities window before adding them to the Authorized Users list. Once added, the administrator can return to the Add Entities window if they need to add more users.

  17. Once your users or organizations are listed in the Selected Users column, select Add.

  18. To activate the new services setup, select the Active toggle.

  19. Select Save.


Once an Easy Order setup has been configured, administrators can configure credentials that should be used for the orders placed through that provider. See the Credentials section below for instructions on how to configure credentials for a manual order.

Partner Service Configuration

The Partner Service Configuration feature enables administrators to define the company information that is used for all partner orders. The configuration options on this page differ from Partner to Partner, but this enables administrators to define default settings or other partner specific requirements to ensure that orders are successful.

To Access Partner Service Configuration

  1. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  2. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, and then select Service Setup.

  3. Select Partner Service Configuration.

Automated Order

Automated Service Ordering (ASO) Best Practices

Automated Service Ordering Support is available for many categories in the web version of Encompass. Administrators can define conditions which trigger an automated service ordering attempt for loans that meet the criteria. Administrators can configure the conditions using syntax built on top of the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET programming language in the same way that business rules are defined. Administrators can also define additional required fields before the automated order can take place. There is also a Service Automation Rules option which enables administrators to define logic to trigger service orders. These service rules are contained inside the automation rule and can be set to execute all orders that meet the criteria, or to execute one order based on the rank of the rule.

In addition to this, Encompass also verifies that the minimum data that the service provider requires for a successful order is present before placing an automated order to prevent unsuccessful automated orders.

All active Automated Ordering rules are evaluated in parallel. Only the rules within a specific Automated Ordering rule have the option to be evaluated by either the first match in the list or by all matched rules. All active rules are evaluated when a loan is saved and there is a five minute cool-down between saves before the rules are evaluated again. If a loan is saved during the cool-down period, the five minute cool-down is restarted.

To Add a New Automated Service Setup:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.
  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services.
  3. Select Services Management.
  4. Select Add Service.
  5. Navigate to the card for the vendor you want to start a service setup for, and then select the Automated link.

  6. On the Automated Rules page, select Add.

  7. On the Add Rule page window, enter a unique name for this setup in the Rule Name field.

  8. Enter a description in the Rule Description field.
  9. For ASO Bot rules, define the conditions that, when met, enable the rule to trigger in the If the following conditions are met section. You can also use the query builder to assist in building readiness conditions. See the Using the Query Builder section below.

    • The conditions syntax utilizes the Visual Basic .NET programming language. For information on how this syntax works, see the Conditions section in the Advanced Coding for Business Rules guide.
    • To ensure that the syntax does not result in an error, select Validate to verify your automated readiness conditions.

      Note: A message displays on a successful or failed validation. If the validation fails, the error message indicates where the error occurred.

  10. In the When rule conditions are met... section select Run the first matched order to indicate that the first service order that meets the criteria should be the one triggered. Select Run any matched orders to trigger an order for all service orders that meet the criteria. Select Select using Vendor Allocation to use the configuration defined in the Vendor Allocation settings

    When using the Run any matched orders option, only one order will be placed per provider to prevent multiple orders to the same provider.

    When the Select using Vendor Allocation option is selected, the Service Orders section displays the allocation percentage for each vendor in a new Allocation % column. If a vendor that isn't part of the Vendor Allocation setup is added to the Service Orders section, a Warning is displayed in the Allocation % column to indicate that the vendor will not be used for the automation rule.

  11. To add a service order to the rule, select Add.

  12. On the Add New Automated Service Order window, select the provider for the service order from the Provider field and then select Create.

  13. On the Add Service Order slide out panel, enter a unique Service Order Name and a Service Order Description.

  14. In the Readiness Conditions section, define the conditions that, when met, enable the rule to trigger. You can also use the query builder to assist in building readiness conditions. See the Using the Query Builder section below.
    • The conditions syntax utilizes the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET programming language. For information on how this syntax works, see the Conditions section in the Advanced Coding for Business Rules guide.
    • To ensure that the syntax does not result in an error, select Validate to verify your automated readiness conditions.

      Note: A message displays on a successful or failed validation. If the validation fails, the error message indicates where the error occurred.

  15. In the Additional Required Fields section, select +Add and then enter any Encompass field IDs that are required before ordering.

  16. To add additional fields, select +Add Another.

  17. For appraisal orders only, you can define documents to be sent in the Partner Documents section. To add a Document, select +.

  18. Select the checkbox in front of the required documents to send, and then select Apply.

  19. To indicate that the attachment is required, select the toggle in the Attachment Required column.

  20. In the Automated Options section, select Add.

    • On the partner specific order template page, enter the vendor required information, and then select Save.

  21. Select Continue to save the service order and return to the automated rule page.

  22. To add another service order, select Add and repeat steps 13-19 above.

  23. To activate the new automated rule, select the Active toggle.

  24. Select Save.


Once an Automated Order rule has been configured, administrators can configure credentials that must be used for the orders placed through that provider. See the Credentials section below for instructions on how to configure credentials for a manual order.

Query Builder

The query builder enables administrators to create readiness conditions using a point and click interface to build conditions. With the Query Builder, users can build conditions without extensive knowledge of the .NET programming language.

Using the Query Builder

  1. On a service order setup, navigate to the Readiness Conditions section.

  2. Select Query Builder.

  3. Enter or search for a field. For this initial release, users can only search for an exact match of a field ID. Partial field search support will be added in a future release.

  4. Select an operator for your query from the list. The available options are based on the format of the field you entered/selected.

  5. Enter the value to complete this query.

  6. Once the query is completed, select Apply to apply the query to the rule. The code is copied to the Code Editor.

As you build the query, the related code is displayed in the Output section.

To add additional lines to the query:

  • Select the first Menu icon, and then the middle icon () to add another query.

  • Repeat the process starting with step 5 above to configure the query.

  • If there is more than one query, select the second Menu option to indicate whether to use the AND condition or the OR condition with your queries.

  • If you need to delete a query, you can select the first Menu icon , and then the left icon () to remove the query line.

  • To change the order of the queries, select the Handle at the front of the row.

To create nested queries, select the first menu and then select the right icon ()

Credential Management

Some provider categories require that credentials be set up in the Encompass Admin Portal. The Credentials section enables administrators to specify credentials for specific vendors to be used by authorized web version of Encompass users.

When setting up credentials, each credential setting provides a single credential set that all users in that credential setting will share. Credentials that are different for each user are set up using a separate credential setting for each user. Credentials for the Automated Underwriting System and Encompass Product and Pricing Service (EPPS) categories are configured in the desktop version of Encompass.

To Add New Credentials for a Service Setup:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.
  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services.
  3. Select Services Management.
  4. Locate the partner card for the service you want to configure, and then select Credentials.
  5. To add company credentials, select Add in the Company Credentials section.
    • On the Add Company Credentials, provide the credentials required by the partner. The required information is partner specific and will change from partner to partner.
  6. To add user credentials, select Add in the User Credentials section.
  7. On the Add User Credentials screen, enter a unique name for the credentials setup in the Name field, and then enter a description in the Description field.
  8. Enter the user name and password in the Username and Password fields.
  9. Select Override company credentials to use these credentials in place of the credentials defined in step 5.
  10. Select For Automation Bot to indicate that these credentials are used for automated service rules utilizing the Automation Bot engine.
  11. To designate which users will use these credentials, select Add in the Users section.
  12. On the Add Entities screen, navigate through the Category options to select the Users who will use this setup. To move to a category, select the Down Arrow icon. To move an individual user to the Selected Users column, select the Move Arrow icon. To search for a specific user, select the Search icon.

    • To remove users from the Users section, select the check box in front of the user and then select Delete. Alternatively you can select the Delete icon in the Action column for the user.

    • To export a list of all users assigned in the Users section, select the Export to .csv icon.

      Note: Administrators can select up to 200 users at a time on the Add Entities window before adding them to the Authorized Users list. Once added, the administrator can return to the Add Entities window if they need to add more users.

  13. To save the new credential configuration, select Save.

Condition Mapping

The Condition Mapping feature enables administrators to map service order findings to conditions or tasks on a loan for partner integrations that support this feature. You can map findings to a condition template, a blank/ad-hoc condition, or a task template.

To Add Condition Mapping to a Provider:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an administrator.

  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  3. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, select the Menu , and then select Condition Mapping.

  4. Select Add Condition Mapping to open the Add Condition Mapping page.

  5. Select the condition type or task that will be added on the loan when the mapped findings are returned in the Mapping Type field.

  6. In the Condition Mapping Details selection, select the specific details for the selection made in the previous step. This section is populated dynamically to support the three options in the Condition Mapping Info section.

    • When Condition Template is selected, you must select a Condition Template for the mapping. Additionally you can select to append the findings description to the internal and external description on the condition.

    • When Blank/Ad-hoc Condition is selected, you must select the Condition Type. Additionally you can select to append the findings description to the internal and external description, select to print to internal or external documents, and select the milestone before which the conditions must be resolved in the Prior To field.

    • When Task Template is selected, you must select a Task Template for mapping. Additionally you can select to append the findings description to the task description.

  7. In the Provider Findings section, select Manage Mapping.

  8. Select the findings to map to the condition or task from the list of available findings. To map the findings to the condition or task, select the Arrow

    • If you want to add more than one finding to a condition or task, select the name of each finding that you want to add, and then select the Arrow

  9. Select Add.

  10. Select Save.

The available findings listed in the Manage Mapping window originate from the provider. If you need assistance with understanding which findings to use for your mapping, contact the provider.

Once a condition mapping has been added, the details of the condition mapping are displayed on the main Conditions Mapping page. This page displays the Encompass Condition name, Provider Findings mapped to the condition, and the condition mapping type.

  • To edit an existing mapping, select the Menu to the right side of the entry you want to edit, and select Edit.

  • To delete an existing mapping select the Menu to the right side of the entry you want to edit, and select Delete.

Field Mapping

The Field Mapping feature enables administrators to send additional information from Encompass to the provider when submitting a service order. Additionally, administrators can also receive additional information from the provider and store that data in a custom field in Encompass. These features require information from the service provider. You will need to work with the provider to configure these successfully.

To Map a Field from Encompass to a Service Provider:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.

  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  3. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, and then select Field Mapping.

  4. To add a new field mapping entry, select Add.

  5. In the Encompass Field ID (Standard, Custom, LR) field, enter the Encompass field ID that you want to use for mapping.

  6. In the Mapping Type field, indicate how the data should be transmitted.

    • Maps To indicates that the data from this field is sent to the provider field in the Provider Field Name field.

    • Maps From indicates that data from the Provider Field Name field is sent to the specified Encompass field ID.

    • Maps Between indicates that data can be sent back and forth between the two indicated fields.

  7. Enter the field name provided by the partner in the Provider Field Name field. This field name is obtained from the service partner you are ordering from.

  8. To add another field mapping, select +Add Another and then repeat steps 6 and 7.

  9. Select Save.

The following features are also available from the Field Mapping screen:

  • Lenders can export their field mapping template as a .CSV file by selecting the Export icon.

  • Lenders can import an existing field mapping template by selecting the Import icon and then navigating to the .csv file on their local system.

Note that not all providers support the field mapping feature. If field mapping is available, the Field Mapping option is available in blue as pictured below:

Document Mapping

The Document Mapping feature enables administrators to automatically move documents from a partner to specific folders in the eFolder. You are also able to map documents that are intended to be sent from specific folders in the eFolder to the partner as well. The Document Mapping feature is only available for some categories and is not supported by every partner. Check with your service partner to see if they support this feature.

To Configure an Inbound Document Mapping:

  1. Log into the web version of Encompass as an Administrator.

  2. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  3. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, and then select Doc Mapping.

  4. Enter the document name in the Document Types field. If you don’t know the document name, contact the partner for more information.

  5. Select the eFolder document that the document should be moved to in the eFolder Document Folder field.

  6. To add another field mapping, select +Add Another and then repeat steps 6 and 7.

  7. Select Save.

To Map an  Outbound Document

  1. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  2. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, and then select Document Mapping.

  3. In the Outbound (From Encompass To Provider) section, select the eFolder Document Folder to send documents from.

  4. Select the document type from the Document Types dropdown. If the document type isn’t listed, enter the document type name. If you don’t know the document name, contact the partner for more information.

  5. To add another field mapping, select +Add Another and then repeat steps 3 and 4.

  6. Select Save.

The following features are also available from the Document Mapping screen:

  • Lenders can export their field mapping template as a .CSV file by selecting the Export icon.

  • Lenders can import an existing field mapping template by selecting the Import icon and then navigating to the .csv file on their local system.

Note that not all providers support the field mapping feature. If field mapping is available, the Field Mapping option is available in blue as pictured below:

Service Event Mapping

The Service Event Mapping feature enables administrators to receive events from partners as part of transaction responses to create tasks or send notifications when further action is required for a service order. This feature is not available unless a Partner has added support for this feature.

To Configure Service Event Mapping

  1. From the Encompass Admin Portal, select Services Management.

  2. Locate the service card for the partner you want to configure, and then select Service Event Mapping.

  3. Select Add Service Event Mapping.

  4. Enter a name for the configuration in the Service Event Mapping Name field.

  5. Select one or more services events from the Available Partner Service Events list, and then select the Move icon to move these events to the Selected Partner Service Events list.

    • To remove an event from the Selected Partner Service Events list, select Remove.

  6. Select a task template to create from the Task Template field and/or select a notification template to use to send a notification in the Notification Template field. These will be created or sent when the selected partner service events are received.

  7. Select Save.