Automated Underwriting

After completing the 1003 in the web version of Encompass, you can submit your loan for automated underwriting through Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriting (DU) or Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor (LPA). You can order credit directly from the automated underwriting request if you have not ordered credit first.

Order Automated Underwriting Results

To Order a New Service:

  1. From a loan, select Services.

  2. Select All Services.

  3. To place a one-click order, select the Easy Order icon next to the Underwriting category. The order is placed and the status can be viewed by expanding the category section on the Services Landing Page

    • Note: If a one-click service setup has been configured for more than one provider, a Place a new order screen displays, enabling the user to select the desired provider before completing the order request.

  4. To place a manual order, select Order Service on the Services Landing Page.

  5. On the Place a new order screen, select the Underwriting service category and then select the provider for that category.

  6. Select Next.

  7. Review and enter any required information for the partner order, and then select Submit.

    • Note: This page is controlled by the partner that the request is being made to. Any questions regarding the information or credentials required for completing the order should be directed to the partner.