Special Feature Codes

Special feature codes are defined and published by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and may be required by the GSEs as part of the delivery for certain single-family mortgage loans.

Administrators and authorized users can select one or more Fannie Mae (DU) or Freddie Mac (LPA) special feature codes to add to Field Triggers business rules, and then apply to rules to applicable loan files.

However, first, administrators can create and set up the special feature codes they want to use with Field Triggers business rules. Once created, these codes will then be available to add to the Field Triggers business rule.

To Create a Special Feature Code:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.
  2. On the left panel, click Tables and Fees, and then click Special Feature Codes.
  3. Click the New icon.
  4. In the Add Special Feature Code pop-up window, add the information for the special feature code.

  1. Click the Activate button to activate the special feature code. When activated, it will be applied to applicable loans as part of the Field Triggers business rule.
  2. Click OK.


Field Triggers Business Rule