Investor Templates

Use the Investor Templates tool to create investor information that users can apply to fields on Loan Trades screens as well as the Secondary Lock, Secondary Registration, and Shipping Details tools.

To Create an Investor Template:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.

  2. On the left panel, clickSecondary Setup, and then click Investor Templates.

  3. On the Investor Templates window, click the New icon.

  4. On the Create/Edit Investor Template window, enter the Investor Name, complete information on each tab, and then enter information in the Loan Trade Management and HMDA Information sections at the bottom of the window (refer to the detailed instructions below).

    The information on each tab (Secondary, Ship To, Customer Service, and Trailing Docs) can be saved as separate entries in the Business Contacts tool under the Investor category. The information is then available to apply as needed (such as on the Shipping Detail form).

  5. When finished, click Save.

ClosedSecondary Tab

  • This is the basic information for the investor. The Name may be the same as the Investor Name, or the name of a third-party, subsidiary, or branch that manages bulk sales for the investor.

ClosedShip To Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that the loan documents are shipped to.

ClosedCustomer Service Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will handle customer-service issues related to the loan.

ClosedTrailing Docs Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will receive post-closing trailing documents.

ClosedPayment Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will receive payments.

ClosedInsurance Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will provide insurance.

ClosedNote Delivery Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that the note is delivered to.

ClosedTax Notice Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will provide tax notices.

ClosedMortgage Insurance Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will provide mortgage insurance.

ClosedLoan Delivery Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that the loan documents are delivered to.

ClosedAssignment Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that the loan is assigned to.

ClosedCorrespondence Tab

  • The name and contact information for the company that will receive correspondence.

ClosedGeneric Tabs

  • Four generic tabs for additional contact information.

ClosedLoan Trade Management Section

  1. If this investor purchases bulk loans, select Yes. The investor template will be available for selection on the Loan Trades tab.

  2. In the Delivery Time Frame field, enter the number of days to add to the Commitment Date to determine the expected Investor Delivery Date.

ClosedHMDA Information Section

  • Select an option for Type of Purchaser to have the selection populated to the Type of Purchaser field on the HMDA Information form when the investor template is applied to a loan file.


Work with Investment Templates

ClosedEdit a Template

  1. Select an investor template and click the Edit icon.

  2. Edit the information as needed.

  3. Click Save.

ClosedDuplicate a Template

  1. Select an investor template and click the Duplicate icon.

  2. Enter the Investor Name, and edit other information as needed.

  3. Click Save.

ClosedDelete a Template

  1. Select an investor template and click the Delete icon.

  2. Click OK in response to the confirmation message.