Analysis Tools

View the "Encompass Field Analysis Tools" Guide

Watch the "Encompass Field Analysis Tools" Video Tutorial

Use the Analysis Tools to search for Encompass input fields and locate the areas in Encompass Settings where the fields are used, including business rules and alerts.

To Search for Fields:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.

  2. On the left panel, click System Administration, and then click Analysis Tools.

  3. Using the fields in the Search Field IDs section, type the field ID of the field to search for.


Click a Lookup icon (magnifying glass), select a form from the left, right-click to select a field on the form to search for, and then click OK.

  • Do not enter more than one field ID in a search field. Each search field should contain only one field ID.

  • To find business rules and other features in Encompass Settings that use a specific field, search for one field ID at a time. For example, to find all business rules and other features that use field ID 19 (Loan Purpose), type 19 in the first search field.

  • To find a business rule and other features in Encompass Settings that use two specific fields, search for both fields at the same time. For example, to find all business rules and other features that use field IDs 19 and 608 (Amortization Type), type 19 in the first search field, and then type 608 in the second search field.

  • To find a business rule and other features in Encompass Settings that use three specific fields, search for all three fields at the same time. For example, to find all business rules and other features that use field IDs 19, 608, and 1177 (Interest Only), type 19 in the first search field, type 608 in the second search field, and then type 1177 in the third search field.

  1. After entering the field ID or field IDs to search for, click Search.

    • Each Settings tool and feature where the field ID is used is listed in the Results section.

    • If the field ID or combination of field IDs is not being used in any Settings tools or features, a pop-up message displays that explains that the fields were not found in any Settings tools or features.

    • Click Clear All to clear all search fields and the Results sections. The Search History For Current Session section will not be cleared.

  2. In the Results section, click to select a results entry. The details of the business rule or other feature, and how the field is being used within the rule or feature, display in the Result Details section at the bottom of the screen.

ClosedSorting and Filtering Results Data

  • To sort the data in the Results section, click a column header to display the data in ascending order based on the information in the column.

  • Alternatively click the column header to sort the data in descending or ascending order.

  • If more than one search result is listed in the Results section, you can filter the entries based on the entry type. In the Type and Status columns, click the dropdown list at the top of the column and select the type of entry to display. To display all entries, select Show All.

  • When applicable, the Result Details provides the details of the business rule or feature along with individual tabs devoted to each field ID you searched for. The tabs provide additional information about the individual field ID. For example, when viewing the Result Details for a Persona Access to Fields business rule, a tab for the field ID is displayed that lists each persona type included in the business rule and the persona's access rights to the field.

  • All additional field IDs that are used within the selected business rule or feature are included in the result details and display as blue hyperlinks. To search for all the Settings areas where one of these fields is being used, click the field ID hyperlink.

    This action will clear all of the field IDs in the search fields and the entries currently listed in the Results section, and the results for the new field ID search will display.

  1. Each time you search for a field ID or combination of two to three field IDs, an entry is added to the Search History For Current Section section. Click an entry here to view the search results again.

This action will clear all of the field IDs in the search fields and the entries currently listed in the Results section, and the results for the new field ID search will display.

See Also

Rebuild Field Search Data