Administration Personas

View the "Persona Access to Encompass Settings and Add-On Products" Document

Encompass ships with the admin User ID, for use by the main administrator of the Encompass environment. The admin user has complete access to all Encompass settings and can work in loan files with free access ignoring all configured Business Rules.

Encompass also ships with two administration personas that can be assigned to users who will help with Encompass administration: Super Administrator and Administrator (Global or Local depending on location in the hierarchy).

ClosedCreating Administrators

  • The admin user is the only user who can create users with a Super Administrator persona.

  • All three administration personas can create users with an Administrator persona.

  • Users can only be assigned the Super Administrator persona if they are at the top of the hierarchy.

  • Users with the Super Administrator persona cannot be moved from the top level of hierarchy.

ClosedSuper Administrator

The purpose of the Super Administrator persona is to allow the Admin to delegate all of their duties to other users. Users with the Super Administrator persona are basically clones of the Admin User ID, with the following exceptions.

  • The Super Administrator persona cannot create other users with a Super Administrator persona.

  • The admin cannot be deleted. Users with a Super Administrator persona can be deleted.

  • The admin is not forced to change its password. Users with a Super Administrator persona can be forced to change their password.

  • The admin account will never be suspended no matter how many times the user fails to log in with the wrong password. Users with a Super Administrator persona can be locked out after failed log in attempts.

  • The admin account cannot be disabled.  Users with a Super Administrator persona can be disabled.

Super Administrators can do everything including:

  • Creating and Configuring Personas, User Groups,Business Rules, and Workflows.

  • Modify all company settings.

  • Create users and give them any persona except Super Administrator.

  • Users with the Super Administrator persona cannot have their user settings edited like users with other personas. They always have all rights.

  • When a Super Administrator is editing users, they can edit user settings to give them special rights. But when they view their own user settings, the View/Edit Rights button is disabled since they cannot change their own settings.


The purpose of the Administrator persona is to allow the admin user to create Global and Local administrators that help to administer company and branch settings. Users with the Administrator persona have access to different settings based on their location in the hierarchy.

ClosedGlobal Administrators

Users with the Administrator persona that are at the top of the hierarchy are treated as Global Administrators.

  • Global Administrators do not have access to the following Super Administrator settings:

  • Creating and configuring Custom Personas

  • Creating and configuring User Groups

  • Creating and configuring Business Rules

  • Configuring Workflows (Milestones and Roles)

  • When creating users and assigning personas, Global Administrators can give users the Administrator persona.

  • Global Administrators can create other Global or Local Administrators, but cannot create Super Administrators.

  • Global Administrators can edit user settings to give or take away rights.

  • Global Administrators cannot edit their own user settings or take away their own Administrator persona. But they can add other personas to their settings (such as Loan Officer and Processor), so they can qualify for a role and be assigned as a loan team member if needed.

ClosedLocal Administrators

Users with the Administrator persona that are not at the top of the hierarchy are treated as Local Administrators.

  • Local Administrators can access the same settings as Global Administrators when creating users, except that they don't have access to most Company settings.

  • The Company settings that Local Administrators can access are:

    • Organization/Users (their level and below)

    • Batch Loan Reassignment

    • Loan Setup (Custom Print Forms and Input Form Builder)

    • eFolder Setup (Conditions, Condition Sets, Post-Closing Conditions, Post-Closing Condition Sets)

    • Docs Setup (Closing Doc Plan Codes, Alt Lender)

    • Dynamic Data Management
  • Local Administrators can only see their level of the organization hierarchy and below.

  • Local Administrators can create users with any of the personas, but they do not see the Super Administrator persona.

  • Since Local Administrators can give users the Administrator persona, and they can only create users at their level or below, they have the ability to create other Local Administrators, but not Global Administrators.

  • Local Administrators can edit user settings to give or take away rights, but they cannot give rights to the company settings.

  • Local Administrators cannot edit their own user settings or take away their own Administrator persona, but they can add other personas to their settings (such as Loan Officer and Processor), so they can be assigned as a loan team member if needed.

ClosedSwitching Between Global and Local Administrator Rights


Administrator Rights - The following table shows the rights of different types of administrators. 

Description admin Super

Global Administrator

Local Administrator
Location in hierarchy Top Top Top Lower level
Move to new hierarchy location     x x
Access the View/Edit Rights button No - they have
all rights

No - they have all rights

x x
Add other personas to own profile x x x x
Profile can be deleted   x x x
Forced to change password   x x x
Locked out after failed login attempts   x x x
Ignore loan file business rules x x    
Account can be disabled   x x x
Access to personas x x    
Access to user groups x x    
Access to business rules x x    
Access to workflow x x    
Create user with Super Administrator persona x      
Give rights to company settings x x x  
Create user with Administrator persona Local & Global Local & Global Local & Global Local only
Create user location Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere At their level
and below