File Manager

Use the File Manager to attach, assign, view, and print files that are associated with eFolder documents.

Attach and Assign Files

When files are first attached, they display in the Unassigned section of the File Manager. You can then assign files to a document in the Documents section of the File Manager. This allows you to easily track and manage files that are associated with documents. For example, if a borrower provides electronic copies of W-2 forms, you can browse to attach the forms, which display in the Unassigned section. You can then assign them to the W-2 entry in the Documents section.

Intelligent Document Recognition and Auto Assign

Encompass uses intelligent document recognition technology to classify files that are added to the eFolder via fax. Files that are sent to borrowers from within Encompass include bar codes that allow for easy recognition when the file is returned. When a file is recognized as a loan form or other documentation, it is added to the Unassigned section of the File Manager and given a name that matches the form. You can then use the Auto Assign button to automatically assign the file to the appropriate eFolder document.

If a faxed file is not recognized, it is given a generic name such as 2 page fax - Page 1. To rename the file, select the file, click the file name, and then type a new name.

ClosedAccess the File Manager

  • On the eFolder, click the Documents tab, and then click the File Manager button.

ClosedAttach files and forms

  • To browse and attach, click the Browse and Attach icon in the Unassigned section, browse to select one or more files, and then click Open.

  • To select one or more files at the same time, click a file and then press <Shift> and click another file to select all files in between. Or, click a file, and then press <Ctrl> and click additional files to select the individual files.

    The following file extensions are supported for Browse and Attach: .doc, .docx, .emf, .html, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .tif, .txt, and .xps.

  • To scan and attach, click the Scan and Attach icon, select a scanner from the list, and click Scan.

    To use the Scan and Attach feature, you must have a Twain-compliant scanner that is installed locally or on your network.

  • To add any standard Encompass form without having first ordered a service or requested a document from a borrower, click the Attach Encompass Forms icon, select one or more forms, and then click Attach.

    The document is added to the Unassigned section.

    You can also drag and drop a file from a folder or from your desktop into the Unassigned section of the File Manager.

ClosedEdit unassigned files

ClosedNative-format files

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned section and click the Edit icon above the viewing panel.

  2. On the Edit File window, select one of more pages in the Pages panel.

  3. To rotate the page clockwise 90 degrees, click the Rotate Page icon.

  4. To change the order of the page in the file, click the Up or Down icon.

  5. To delete a page, click the Delete icon.

  6. When finished, click Save.

ClosedImage files

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned section, and select one or more pages on the Pages panel.

  2. To rotate the pages left or right 90 degrees, click the Rotate Left or Rotate Right icon at the top of the Pages panel.

  3. To change the order of the pages, drag and drop them to a new location.

  4. To delete a page, click the Delete icon at the top of the Pages panel.

ClosedMerge files

  1. To automatically combine multiple files into one file, select two or more files in the Unassigned section by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking each file.

    • Or drag the files from the documents section into the Unassigned Files section and then select them.

  2. Click the Merge icon.

    • If the image conversion feature is enabled, the merged document is converted to a image file, even if one or more of the files being merge is in native format.

    • If the image conversion feature is disabled, the merged document is converted to a image file only if all the files being merge are image files. Otherwise, the merged file is created as a .pdf file.

ClosedSplit files

ClosedNative-format files

  1. To split a multi-page file into multiple files, select the file in the Unassigned section.

    • Or drag the file from the Documents section into the Unassigned Files section and then select it.

  2. Click the Split icon at the top of the Unassigned section.

  3. In the Split File window, drag one or more page files from the Original File section to the Documents section, and drop it on the document to which you want it assigned.

    • Pages that remain in the Original files section will not be split. When you complete the splitting process, the remaining pages will display in the Unassigned section of the File Manager as a single file.

  4. To rearrange pages in the Original File section or New File section in the Split File window, select a page and click the Up or Down arrows.

  5. To delete pages, select one or more pages and click the Delete icon.

  6. When finished, click the Split button.

ClosedImage files

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned section.

    • Or select a file that is currently attached to a document in the Documents section.

  2. In the Pages panel, select one or more pages, and then drag and drop them to the Unassigned section.

    • Or, drag and drop the pages to a document in the Documents section.

  3. When the Create File window opens, type a name for the file, and then click Add.

    • The pages are removed from the Pages panel and assigned to the other document as a new file.

    • If all pages are removed from a file, the file will be deleted.

ClosedAdd notes to a file

ClosedNative-format file

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned or Documents section, and then click the Add notes icon above the viewing panel.

  2. If the file is protected, click Yes when the confirmation message appears.

  3. When the Add Notes window opens, click the location in the file where you want to add a note.

  4. Type a note in the Comments field, and then click Add.

    • The page number, user, date, time, and comment for each note displays in the Notes panel on the left.

  5. When finished, click Save.

  6. Hover your cursor over the Note icon to view the content.

    Notes added to a native format file are included in the file when it is saved as a .pdf file or sent to a borrower, lender, or partner via the eFolder. If you do not want notes included, delete them before saving a file as a .pdf file or sending via the eFolder.

ClosedImage file

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned or Documents section, and then select a page on the Pages panel.

  2. Click the Add notes icon above the viewing panel.

  3. If the file is protected, click Yes when the confirmation message appears.

  4. Select one of three Visibility options on the Add Note window to configure who can view the note and whether the note is included in files that are printed or sent electronically to non-Encompass users:

    • Personal - Visible only to the user who added the comment. Not included in printed or sent files.

    • Internal - Visible only to Encompass users with permission to view annotations. Not included in printed or sent files. This is the default option.

    • Public - Visible to all viewers and included in printed and sent documents.

    The color of the graphic image for a note varies depending on the Visibility option selected: red icon for Personal; yellow icon for Internal; and green icon for Public. A user can change the Visibility option for an existing note by right-clicking the graphic for a note, pointing to Visibility, and then clicking an option.

  5. Click the location in the viewing panel where you want to add the note.

  6. When the Add Notes window opens, type a note in the contents field, and then click Add.

  7. When finished, click Save.

    Administrators can use the Document Export Template setting to configure whether notes are included in a file when it is saved as a .pdf file or sent to a borrower, lender, or partner via the eFolder.

  8. To view the content, hover your cursor over the Note icon.

  9. To move the note to a different location in the file, drag and drop the Note icon to the new location.

  10. Click the toggle arrows at the bottom of the viewing panel to expand and collapse a list with the creator, date, time, and page number for all notes in the file, and then click an entry to jump to the page containing the note.

  11. In the toggle window, use the Up and Down arrows to move from one note to another.

ClosedAssign and unassign files

ClosedNative-format files

  1. In the File Manager, select a file in the Unassigned section.

    • Or select a file attached to a document in the documents section.

  2. Drag and drop the file to a document on the Documents section.

    If a window opens and asks you to provide a name for the file, type a name in the field, and then click OK.

    • Or, click the Auto Assign button to automatically assign the files. If the files were returned via fax and the intelligent document recognition feature recognizes the file, the file will be assigned to the appropriate entry in the Document section.

      A plus (+) sign appears to the left of a document that has files assigned to it. Click the plus sign to view the associated.

  3. To unassign a file, drag the file from the Documents section into the Unassigned section.

ClosedImage files

  • Drag a file from the Unassigned section (or drag a page thumbnail image from the Pages section) into the Documents section, and drop it on the Encompass document to which you want it assigned.

    If a window opens and asks you to provide a name for the file, type a name in the field, and then click OK.

  • Or, select one or more files and then click the Auto Assign button to automatically assign files. If the file was returned via fax and the intelligent document recognition feature recognizes the file, the file will be assigned to the appropriate entry in the Document section.

    A plus (+) sign appears to the left of a document that has files assigned to it. Click the plus sign to view the associated file.

  • To unassign a file, drag the file from the Documents section into the Unassigned section.

    If all the pages in an unassigned file are assigned to a document, the file will be deleted from the Unassigned list.

ClosedRecommend training for a file

Use the Train button to suggest that a file be automatically assigned to a specified document when the file is added to the File Manager. The suggestion is sent to the Encompass administrator (or another assigned approver) for review.

After a file has been approved for training:

  • When the file is imported into the eFolder via fax, the file is automatically attached to the specified document .

  • When a document is imported using the Browse and Attach or Scan and Attach icon, the file can be attached to the specified document by clicking the Auto Assign button in the File Manager.

    Personas are granted permission to make suggestions in the Personas setting by selecting the Suggestor checkbox in the Unassigned Files (File Manager) section on the eFolder tab.

To Recommend Training for a File:

  1. Drag the file from the Unassigned section to the Documents section, and then drop it on the document to which you want it assigned.

  2. In the Documents section, select the document, and then click the Train button.

  3. On the Suggest Attachments For Training window, select the checkbox for the file or files that you want to automatically assigned to the document.

  4. Click OK , and then click OK again when the confirmation message displays.

ClosedAdd documents to the Documents section

Use this option to assign a file to an Encompass document that is not listed in the Documents section.

  1. In the Documents section, click the New icon.

  2. Select the option to Add a new document or Add documents from Document Sets.

ClosedAdd new documents

  1. Select a document from the Name list.

  2. Complete the information in the Document Details window.

ClosedAdd documents from Document Sets

  1. Select a Document Set from the list.

  2. Select a borrower from the list.

  3. Select one or more documents on the left panel, and then click the Add button in the center of the window.

  4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the window.

ClosedApply a Stacking Order to the Documents

  • In the Documents section, select a stacking order from the dropdown list to apply the stacking order to the documents.

    The stacking order templates are configured by your Encompass administrator in the Document Stacking Order Templates setting (in the eFolder Setup setting).

ClosedView files

  • On the Unassigned or Documents section, select a file or a document with an assigned file to view the file in the viewing panel.

    All the assigned files display on the viewing panel. Multiple files appear in the viewing window as separate pages.

  • If the administrator has configured Encompass to save copies of files in their original file format, select the file and click the View in Original Format button to view the file in its original format.

ClosedRotate Pages

ClosedNative-format files

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned or Documents section.

  2. Click the Rotate icon at the top of the viewing panel to rotate the page clockwise.

ClosedImage files

  1. Select a file in the Unassigned or Documents section.

  2. Select one or more pages in the Pages column.

  3. Click the Rotate Left or Rotate Right icon at the top of the Pages column.

See Also

Work with the File Manager